The people at Frenzelit really think on their feet and take the time to understand our processes and the unique conditions here in our company. They often give us tips that we would never have thought of.
Excellent application consulting, effective use
We accompany our customers above and beyond just research and development. Our application consultants are at your side with expert knowledge if you have questions about special materials or operating conditions. Our products and systems need to be used and applied correctly for them to work most effectively.
Expansion joints: Customized single parts
Frenzelit leverages application expertise gained from numerous projects as early as the project planning stage. An expert team is at your side, starting from individual consultancy and problem resolution to complete assembly all the way to maintenance services.
Was können wir für Sie tun?
What can we do for you?
We can significantly improve assembly quality and ensure fewer interruptions due to questions. After their Frenzelit training, our fitters now work independently without making errors – and have far more self-confidence.
Training: Expert knowledge right from the source
What is the best approach to gasket installation? How can I find the best insulation material for my application? How can I utilize state-of-the-art gasket material testing technology in practice? The better you, the user, are informed, the more effectively you can use our products, processes and systems.